Detached Attachment...?!
Detached attachment - It is an oxymoron. Both words have opposite meanings but when they combine to form a phrase, they give a totally different meaning! We tend to attach ourselves with anything material, especially material comforts. We soon get used to those comforts and if we are denied those comforts (for whatever reason), we get shattered. We cannot imagine as to how we could live without those comforts. To quote an obvious example, our 'smart phones'. The youngsters now wonder as to how the old people ('oldies' in their parlance!) managed without the smart phones in their heydays! The biggest challenge in life for the youngsters now, would be to be away from their phones for more than an hour. Some people have great affinity towards their home, car, pen, and similar personal things. Their affection and attachment to them will be even more than what they have for their spouses. When queried, 'what is the biggest wonder in the world?', the answer give...