Signs to confuse.... or help....!
Traveling takes most of our lifetime these days. Though we are blessed (!) with smart gadgets for communication with people in the nook and corner of the world, we need to travel a lot to fulfill our business and social obligations. It was during some such travels, I experienced some interesting things..... Behind any heavy vehicle (bus or lorry), you can notice a warning : LEAVE A GAP OF 10 METERS. That is 32.8 feet (still cannot escape from the urge to convert meter to feet...!). While on the move (speeding behind a vehicle around 80 to 100 kmph), how could anyone think of or calculate to maintain such distance...? I feel it to be ridiculous. Instead it could be "MAINTAIN A SAFE DISTANCE". Depending on several factors like nature of the road, weather conditions, braking capacity of the vehicle you are in, you (or your driver) will be the best judge. This is what I think. May be I am wrong! Those days (once again...!) when the British system was being discarded a...