Celebrate the women in your life

Do we have to celebrate women? YES. A definite and firm YES. There are countless reasons. They endure pangs of pain throughout their life. Despite all the pain they encounter and surmount, they achieve great heights, in all walks of life. Can anyone point out any activity where the women lack? I certainly do not think there is any. They are mentally tougher than than the toughest of men, for sure.

There are several stories depicting the success of a single mother in bringing up her children. They have the grit and determination to shatter all odds in life and attain lofty heights. The man in such situations will break down, in most of the cases. The woman's single minded devotion and unwavering vision often see to it that her children are catapulted to superior positions in life.

If I start enumerating the women achievers right from the medieval times, the list will be endless. So, I do not venture out to do that. We all know. Cite any field of activity. The women have achieved lofty levels. Not that men have not reached such heights. In the case of women, they are made to weather all storms en route to achieving their coveted goals. They cross the obstacles nonchalantly. Nothing is given on a platter to them. This is what makes the achievements of women unique.

All women in our lives are to be celebrated. Grand mothers, mother, sisters, wife, daughters, daughters-in-law, and grand daughters. They all play great roles in each man's life. If we menfolk can look back and munch the events of our lives, it would be distinctly evident. Who has not got the special attention from their grand mothers! Not to speak of the sacrifices of the mother in bringing her children up. Mother is the embodiment of God. Sisters only will feel for the sufferings of their brothers more than the other brothers.

Wife has a unique place in the man's life. Wife spends the maximum time-span in a man's life. She dons different hats at different stages of life. Husband cannot live a single moment, without his wife. He depends on her for everything, even mundane things. Husband will be a 'nobody' without his wife. It is very true. Daughters show much more affection towards the father than the sons. It is a very special bonding! The daughters-in-law gradually become the daughters of their second family. In the autumn days of the parents-in-law, the daughters-in-law only give a helping hand. The grand daughters become very much closer to you than the grand sons, in the long run.

I have talked about the normal scenario in every man's life. There are of course exceptions. Exceptions cannot be the rule. I have written it from a man's perspective. As I said earlier there are innumerable reasons to celebrate the women in our life. They have to be celebrated throughout the year and not just on one day.  


  1. Excellent writing பெரியப்பா..
    Each and every word is true..
    Thanks for sharing ..


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