Made for each other....OR.... Mad after each other.....?
Prelude : I am happy to upload this blog in commemoration of my 45 years of happy married life. Today I am entering the 46th anniversary with my adorable wife. It is a coincidence that this is my 45th blog. I thank everyone who has been reading my blogs. I upload my blogs every fortnight. Marriages are made in heaven. Is it? Now-a-days, marriages (or marriage ideas) are made in offices, pubs, streets, bus shelters, parks, (even) schools etc.. You name a place, there, marriage proposals are done. There was a Tamil drama long back, titled "Marriage made in saloon". But I for one, believe that 'marriages are made in heaven'. Though it appears to take place in various places (mentioned above), the seed is sown in heaven. It is predetermined 'there'. Marriage is an 'institution', which most of the present generation youngsters do not respect. They think marriage is a 'convenience'. They go further still and think there is no need for 'marri...