WFH - Work from home OR Work for home....?
The most commonly used acronym these days is WFH - supposed to mean "Work from home". This has become quite normal, especially after the pandemic hit the world. Well, in a way, it has made it possible for the world to function, almost normally. But for this possibility, a lot of things will stand still, making it impossible for the world to function and move on.
And incidentally, WFH has reduced the cost of operation in many ways, like saving in office rent, eliminating the incidental office utilities expenses, transport cost (of employees), lunch expenses at costly restaurants, saving house rent (as most of the employees have shifted to their native place). There is no need to dress up for the 'office look'...., convenient, flexible work-hours and so on. And also, helps to avoid 'bickering and unnecessary stares among colleagues(!)', 'face-to-face thrashing by the boss'... etc. Nonetheless, the work gets done, (may be better than 'working from office'). What else, the company needs!
On the flip side, the employees lose the socializing experience, crucial business interactions in person, impromptu meetings to sort out vexatious issues, friendly banter among friends, experience of city traffic snarls which seasons the employees and teaches them patience. And not to speak of the office romance and (interesting) rivalry among colleagues!
WFH has made many male employees realize the value of the work done at home by their spouses. He could now see for himself the contribution the wife makes towards keeping the home in order. I think, now the husband keeps the wife on a high pedestal (in his mind). If not, he is not being human. He has slowly started sharing some of his wife's daily chores at home. This must have brought out a welcome change in the mindset of the man.
There is another twist in this new set-up. Some people complain that WFH means "work for home". May be their duty towards home has increased in comparison with the duty they perform for their company!
Visualize a scenario as below
Wife : Darling, can you please keep this garbage basket outside; the garbage collector might come anytime now.
Husband : Okay, dear
Wife : Hello, if you are not so busy, why don't you peel the potato skin; there are only 3 potatoes and it is child's play for you
Husband : Well, okay
Wife : Hey, I have forgotten to buy tomatoes yesterday. Just rush to the nearby shop and buy half kg of tomatoes and come back soon
Husband : Why can't you remember all these things....
Wife : Our baby is crying non-stop; Are you deaf, you idiot...?
Husband : You stupid girl! My boss has just now asked me to come to office immediately. I am rushing to office. Take care of everything yourself. Bye!
(The boss also has escaped from his home and he wants to share his experience with this colleague!)
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