To err is human...; to correct is....?!
Yes, everyone, irrespective of his/her intelligence, education, and experience makes mistakes in life, sometime or the other. No one can dare say, 'I have never done a mistake'. If they say so, it is a blatant lie, for sure! If we are human beings, we are bound to make mistakes. The difference between various individuals is in the number of mistakes we commit, in our lifetime. If by a quirk of fate, some one does not do any mistake, then he is not human..... may be a super-human (or a well-orchestrated robot)! Here, I am talking about 'genuine mistakes', not the type of mistakes or mischief committed by people, knowingly. What is committed without realizing that it is a mistake, is a 'genuine mistake'. Only when some one else points out, the doer will realize that it is a mistake. The mistakes happen without our knowledge. It could be due to lack of knowledge of the subject, carelessness, forgetfulness, mental slip, or some such thing. How could we avoid making...