How do you handle your frustration?

A recent news item which caught my eye! A Russian Youtuber, out of frustration burnt down his own Mercedes (US$ 330,000). Crazy, isn't it? He could not get his car fixed by the dealer, even after repeated visits to the dealer's workshop. He thought the best way to solve this problem is to burn down the car! A comment under the news item read, 'I cannot even burn my old bi-cycle'. Well, how do we all handle our frustration?

If you are an avid fan of tennis, you would have watched some top-ranking players smashing their racquets, when losing some crucial rallies. That is how they vent their frustration! By smashing their racquets, are they going to get back the point? NO. But they have to release the pent-up emotion from within, so that they continue with the game further. If the 'pressure-cooker' does not release the excessive steam pressure, it would burst. Letting out your 'anger at yourself' is the only way to escape the mounting pressure, and to cool down.

All of us would have witnessed the teacher throwing the 'black-board duster' at the erring student, in the classroom. The teacher would have given some warnings earlier before reaching that 'pressure point'. We too feel like throwing our mobile phones, when getting irritating messages. We do not do that as our brain would immediately warn us about the cost of the phone! But very rich, spoilt children would do even that; for them the cost of a mobile phone is nothing. Everyone of us (I am talking about senior citizens) would have disfigured the 'fountain-pen nibs' when what we wrote made no sense. (People of this era would not even know what a fountain pen is!). It is our mistake, but we show our anger on the pen. 

A volcano, when it cannot withhold the mounting pressure of the lava, bursts out. Similarly, it is quite natural for all of us to get to that 'pressure point' during some activity or the other. It is a natural feeling/emotion. Only if we do not get it, we are having problem with ourselves. Otherwise, we are normal human beings. But how well we handle the pressure or frustration, is the question. As long as harmless ways are adopted to release the pressure, it is fine. I know a friend who while playing tennis, shouts at himself (Good shot; very good...) when he does not get his shots right, repeatedly. He never breaks his racquet. That is how he manages his pent-up pressure.

By nature, some of the people who have high blood pressure gets frustrated and irritated even at trivial things. I used to wonder whether they shout because of the BP or is it because they shout for every small thing, they get the BP mounting in them! But we would be amazed to see some guys who remain 'cool as cucumber' even while facing extreme situations. They are weathered that way, by experience. So, we should learn how to release our pressure, without damage to ourselves or to our properties, or for that matter to others... We can get to this stage by constant practice. Yoga and meditation may help.


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