Why do 'already rich people' swindle...?

On a regular basis, we see instances of 'already rich and wealthy people' swindling others' money. What could be the reason? It really baffles me. In the first instance, they might have amassed their wealth by legal or illegal means (which is definitely not pardonable). They have reached a particular level. There is absolutely nothing wrong in trying to garner more wealth by legal means.

The rich people will naturally spend (splash or waste) their money on luxuries (mostly). Even then, the money gets spread into the economic system, benefiting the country as a whole. The more the money they get, the more they will spend. But for the ill-gotten wealth (which is stashed away in high-value goods/high-value currency), all other funds will be brought into the market, for their pleasure activities or for further expansion of their empire. In any case, the money gets mixed up in the country's economic system.

Those rich guys who know how to make money legally, mostly pursue that avenue to get more wealth. But there are the others, who do not know any other means except the crooked ways. They know how to maneuver through the system, by buttering the right people. This again creates a gamut of people who get illegal wealth (by getting bribed by the rich guys). It has a multiplier effect. Apart from throwing away the ill-gotten money on frivolous things, they spend the money on their children who get pampered and they get into all sorts of bad habits.

Okay, let me come to the crux of the problem. The answer to my question. 'why do 'already rich people' swindle?'
1) First and foremost is the gullibility of those whom they (unscrupulous rich guys) could take for a ride. When we invite the corrupt, crooked, immoral guys with open arms (ready to be cheated), it is natural for them to take advantage.
2) Our system has so many loopholes (big enough for whales to easily pass through), which the dishonest guys can easily spot. There are 'advisers' to let you know the ways and means of discerning the ambiguity of the laws and bending the laws as you like.
3) There are officials with 'high appetite' (read 'greed') looking for guys who want to use the incongruous nature of the system. They willingly guide them through the intricacies (when the unscrupulous guy 'looks after them').
4) Even after the illegal activity is found out by some other authority, it is only a question of greasing the right hands to escape unhurt.
5) In case, due to a quirk of fate, a case is framed and they stand trial; the case can be prolonged to eternity. They can enjoy the wealth accumulated through foul means, as long as they want, passing the wealth on to the generations after them.

It is their mindset. As water find the path of least resistance (and with less effort), they find the easier ways. They do not bother about the ignominy, their actions might bring.


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