Live healthy, Live happy

The adage says, 'Health is wealth'. Unfortunately most of the people want to prove the axiom wrong! They prefer wealth over health. Not that they do not want to be healthy, they would not do anything to be healthy; that is all. They will do whatever they want, but they should remain steely fit. Not even simple exercises, preferring to ride even the smallest distance, sleeping fitfully at odd hours, eat junk food anytime of the day (or night)..... a totally sedentary life style. Combined with all these, peer pressure, office deadline stress, not able to balance home and office.... How could the young generation keep healthy!

Yes, your career is important....., but much more important is your health. You should never ever neglect your health. That will be suicidal on your part to do so. Even amidst your hectic work cycle, consciously allocate some quality time for minor work-outs. You can do fast walking for about 30 minutes a day (at least 5 days a week), or jog for 20 minutes. I am reminded of a joke here (appeared in the social media recently). "Laughing for 2 minutes gives you enough work-out equivalent to 20 minutes of jogging. So, you can sit in the park and laugh for 2 minutes at those jogging for 20 minutes". Jokes apart, please start walking or jogging from today. You can also resort to "yoga" practice (learning the nuances from a master).

Stretch out your limbs in your work place. Get up and walk a little distance in the office every 30 minutes or so. Besides relaxing your muscles, you will feel refreshed if you walk for a few minutes in between your work cycle. (By walking around, you can keep an eye on your friends in the office!). Avoid riding for short distances. Make it a point to walk the distance and see for yourself how nice it feels. Whenever possible, bring home-cooked food for lunch, and avoid outside food. Your people in your home, pack the best possible food for you with an additional ingredient no other outlet can  provide you - LOVE.

Today's youngsters put on excessive weight unknowingly (due mainly to the life-style) and then suffer for the rest of their lives. It leads to several health problems like BP, risk of heart attack etc., at a very young age. Proper sleep in the designated hours every day, is also very important for refreshing the body and mind. And please refrain from smoking and heavy drinking, both of which are detrimental to health.

In those days (sic), we needed to drag the children from outside the home (playground) into the home, to make them sit and study. Now we have to push the children slouched on the sofa with their mobile phones, out of the home to make them go and play outside. So, the change has to take place right from childhood.

Remember always that the lives of your family members (parents, spouse, children) depend very much on your well-being. It does not necessarily mean only your financial health but mainly your physical health and long life. Never take risk on that. It is not worth it.

As usual I am a bit skeptical of giving such advice, as no one wants to listen to advice, especially from old timers (what do they know, ha!). Nonetheless, I would prefer to do so, in the interest of such youngsters. It is up to them to take it or leave it. 


  1. It is a great and informative post and used to read your post without fail since I have learnt so many new words. Every post is very simple to read it. Keep up the good writing and I used to wonder about writing skills. Thanks a lot for sharing your views on the current generation! Whatever you have written is 100 % true. I agree with you.

  2. Thank you, Mr. Ayyanar, for your comments


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