Mental Ability..... are we slowly losing....?

These days most of us need a calculator, even to find the answer for 1 + 1. That is a different point altogether! Those days (sigh again...!) we used to do multiplication of big numbers using logarithmic tables (based on the mathematical subject, 'logarithm'). Based on logarithm, a device called 'slide-rule' was used by us in college for assisting us in calculations. That was before the advent of calculators. Now we have in-built calculators in smart phones, our PC / Laptop / Smart watches.

In schools those days, the moment we assembled, the first thing we were subjected to was, memorizing the multiplication tables, by repeating them loudly. We used to recite the tables up to 16, by heart (ex: 12 X 16 = 192). But we were nothing compared to the generation earlier to us. My father used to recite multiplication tables using 'fractions' (ex: 1/8 X 1/8 = 1/64). He used to tell the name (in Tamil) for 1/64. I do not remember it now.

Abacus (an instrument with a frame, strings and beads) was used to teach arithmetic in earlier days. Even now some parts of Europe, China, Africa use abacus for additions, multiplications and even finding square roots of non-natural numbers. It is a boon for the visually impaired, who cannot use calculators. In some cities, using 'abacus' is being taught, even now!

Vedic mathematics (invented a century ago) in India, is a collection of techniques and formulae to solve problems in arithmetic, algebra, calculus, geometry and conics, faster than our traditional mathematics. But we do not see the prevalence of such superior techniques in our daily lives.

Gradually we have lost the power to do mental arithmetic. You might argue that when there is a tool at hand (calculator in mobile phones etc.), why bother with mental ability. But the more we use our brain, our brain in general, and our body will function normally till our old age. No dementia...  It is better to use both sides of the brain to have better memory as well as analyzing ability till our old age. It is known that people of age 65 and above, in general, get symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD). But if they use their brains regularly, the onset of AD could be delayed. One way is to learn new skills and keep yourself engaged in such activities where your brain is used properly and regularly. Gadgets should not be allowed to render the brain redundant. Gadgets should be used judiciously.

Now that AI and ChatGPT (and the like) are very much in practice, humans need not bother about mundane things, which are done faster and better by the gadgets. So, humans have to go a few steps above and do better analyzing things, which would enhance the quality of life for all living creatures in the world. I, for one do not think that one day AI, ML and ChatGPT will take-over and rule the world. It will be always humans who would go, at least one step ahead and beat them.


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