The 'best' is yet to come.....

The 'best' is yet to come. I am not simply referring to a song of Frank Sinatra! It literally means 'whatever is happening now will be surpassed by something better in the future'. "You think you have seen the sun, but you have not seen it shine" - Frank Sinatra. That is how we motivate ourselves to do 'better than the best'. We should never ever get complacent with whatever we have achieved. We should raise the bar and try to cross over. Then again, raise the bar and set a loftier goal. This is the way to excel ourselves. The success does not lie in beating another person; it depends on whether we are able to beat ourselves and keep achieving more and more.

There is a word of caution here. Not able to achieve the next goal should never hinder with our happiness. We should always be contended and be happy with whatever we have got. At the same time, we should keep striving to scale more peaks. We have to believe that the 'best is yet to come' as we are always learning and growing and so we can make better decisions that will lead us to better and higher levels in life.

Ask any legend. He/She will say that his/her best is yet to come. They don't sleep on their laurels. There is no stagnation. Only running water is clear and vibrant. There is always 'room for improvement'. That should be the attitude. Being good at something is not enough; you should aim to be the best at it. People will remember the person who is the best at something. A question was put forth to a class by the teacher; 'who was the first astronaut to land on the moon'? Almost the entire class shouted out the answer, 'Neil Armstrong'. The teacher then posed the question, 'who was the second astronaut'? Just one or two hands went up. Not many remember the second best!

It is natural to get depressed on an encounter with difficulties and stumbling blocks. "Move forward in spite of your fears and despite any evidence to the contrary. Believe that it is possible. Keep your faith" - Les Brown.

One should always aspire to achieve something which is thought to be inaccessible. There is a distinct difference between aspiration (to achieve something) and greediness. Greed is insatiable. It is about the self and self only. Ambition serves a purpose. All the very best to you, in all your endeavors, as the 'best is yet to come'.

This is my 50th blog. I do firmly believe that my 'best' is yet to come. Watch out for 'better' blogs from me.....


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