Tingle your taste-bud....

Who doesn't like to tingle his/her taste-bud! Invariably everyone. May be next to 'sound sleep', everyone craves for 'tasty food'. For most of us, our mothers are the best cooks in the world. It could be because we get used to our mothers' preparation right from our childhood. Again, we appreciate the taste of our regional cuisines more than any other food in the world. Of course occasionally we try foods of other regions (and countries) and do like them. But, in general, we always opt for the food preparations prevalent in our area. When we visit Europe, America or China, we look for 'dosa', 'puri', 'chappathi' etc.! We tend to boast and brag about our dishes to anyone, who cares to listen to us.

For a Bengali, food without a fish is not a complete and wholesome meal! He will say, 'What dada! Meals without a fish! How could you eat?' People from Andhra, always go for 'spicy' food, whereas Karnataka guys prefer a little sweetness in every dish. For Keralites, any food preparation should have 'coconut'. Likewise for every region, there is a specialty. Gujaratis end their meals with a sweet dish, invariably. The other countries similarly have their own uniqueness about their cuisines. We Indians, apart from our own food items, generally prefer Chinese dishes, Thai food and specific items from other countries like Italian pizza, Belgium waffles, American fried chicken, to name a few.

Of late, with the mushrooming of 'food-courts' in major cities, we come across different dishes from all over the world. And people are more and more interested in trying out the new varieties. A normal 'bun' item takes a different 'avatar', with different flavor. One might wonder, 'what is there in a bun for innovation'. But there is.... Imagination' and 'Innovation' are the keys. How many varieties in the baking industry! One will be amazed to see the various shapes, forms, flavors and tastes. The price is astronomical, at the least! There are outlets selling only 'donuts', in different brands. We can prepare them at home, if we have some baking knowledge. But the expertise and slight innovation the outlets have, make them stand on a higher pedestal. Not to speak of 'pizza', 'burgers', 'fried chicken', 'french fries', 'milk shakes' which are already established in India. They establish a brand, then popularize it and demand a fantasy price, may be 10 times the cost of the item, in some cases!

There is a market for every dish. The people have the curiosity to try new items, have money to splash (unmindful of the price) and a fantasy. Almost all the outlets do reasonable business. More such new products are bound to come in the future as well...... You could be the next one to introduce a new 'variety', if you have the imagination, innovation, passion and perseverance. We are prepared to taste and tingle our taste buds....


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