Lock-down - A 'boon' or a 'bane'.....?

Almost the entire world is in lock-down mode now. To escape the tentacles of the 'corona virus' the best-known vaccine at the moment (in the absence of a tested and tried vaccine) is lock-down. Whether one likes it or not, there is no choice as it is imposed by the governments of the severely affected countries. But as everything in the world, this too (lock-down) has got both sides. Let us see whether this is a boon or a bane....

First of all, we should consider ourselves lucky and privileged - yes, we have a place to lock us down (whether owned or rented). There are millions of people who do not have that luxury. They keep migrating or forced to cuddle in a forlorn place, in deplorably pathetic condition. Livelihood lost...., they are dependent heavily on the mercy of the government or good-hearted humans. How many people get a meal in a day during this period, is left to anyone's guess. They survive (if at all...!) barely, by God's grace. But for how long - that again is known only to the Almighty. This is the flip side of this lock-down.

Again there are the people engaged in petty businesses or odd jobs (not of a permanent nature) who have lost their daily bread. Though the various governments and philanthropic organizations give out doles, that would not be enough to lead a decent life. They undergo severe hardships in traumatic conditions. We, the privileged, should try to help them out to the possible extent, either directly or through governments (donations).

On the positive side (not the 'corona-positive'), this lock-down helps in arresting the exponential spread (like a 'ponzi scheme'!) of the virus. We see for ourselves the rapid spread of this dreadful disease, in some countries, due to the lack of lock-down and not observing the 'social distancing'. So, it is definitely a must in this situation. In a country like India (densely populated), without the lock-down, the spread of the virus would have been like 'wild fire' and by now the virus would have engulfed the entire country. It was good that the lock-down was announced in the right time, if not earlier.

People should respect the rules and regulations for our own safety and that of the fellow countrymen. As usual, there are some miscreants who create problems for the authorities and make their lives difficult. The front-line people (doctors, nurses, other medical staff, drivers, police force, government authorities with the responsibility of enforcing the lock-down, sanitary workers etc.) cannot be thanked enough for their selfless, dedicated service. Their service could be easily compared with that of the front-line soldiers. Hats off to them!

The virus has shown indisputably, who the real heroes are. Not the cinematic heroes, for sure! What is important in this world and what we need not indulge in are all clearly taught to us by a 'tiny virus'. It is a Godsend to shake us (the humans) and to make us realize that most of what we do are quite wrong and unnecessary. Let us learn this important lesson and correct ourselves in the days to come.


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