After the pandemic is over...

The following is a recent facebook post of a person, I respect :

Lockdown will eventually pass, 

A COVID vaccination will come and the world will soon re-boot.

In the meantime, lets just take care of ourselves.

I responded with my comment that 'such positive thoughts are the need of the hour'.

On munching over this subject, some thoughts came flooding into my head. Yes, it is very true that the pandemic will end sooner or later. Vaccination program will come into vogue and it will be like any other preventive medication for the once-dreaded diseases. To recollect Charlie Chaplin's words, "Nothing is permanent in this world; not even our troubles". A few years down the line, people may even forget that 'corona virus' had a disastrous effect on the normal day-to-day life and some people lost their lives and many people, their livelihood. Human memory is very short. (Incidentally, that is one of the reasons, many politicians thrive!).

Nobody can deny the fact, however, that this dreaded monster taught us a few valuable lessons, in its trail. People were given a jolt and a rude shock! A lot of people who thought otherwise earlier, realized the fact that 'people are not immortals'. That death can strike just anytime, anybody, "rich or poor, powerful or timid, young or old....." But will this realization linger on...., that is my doubt. People will go back to their old lifestyles and forget that there existed a pandemic called COVID-19.

We should never forget the lessons that we have learnt during this period throughout the reminder of our lives. We should have empathy, compassion towards others, humility (however rich we are, or whatever position we are in), and help the needy to the possible extent. After all, as one of the richest persons in the world said, 'the coffin does not allow any baggage' (no hand luggage & no check-in baggage)! He uttered these words when he was asked why he was donating all his wealth to the needy. Only the goodwill earned during our lifetime will accompany us to the grave.

Another important lesson that can be applied to oneself is the personal hygiene that one has to follow, at least from now on. If we look at the present scenario, the prevalence of common cold, flu etc is very less. It is because we seldom go out in the open and even if we go out for necessary errands, we wear masks, and keep social distancing. And when we return home, we wash our hands, legs, face etc. This could be a reason for not contracting the diseases of common nature. So, why can we not follow these simple and easily practicable routines, even after the pandemic is over, so that we remain healthy? After all 'health is wealth'.

And to remind us all, the pandemic COVID-19 is still not eradicated. Hence we should all follow these simple protocols to save ourselves and also others. It is not too much to ask, is it not? Stay safe, stay healthy and stay blessed....


  1. Very well written Article from you, Theri...specially, on " need to continue with healthy habits .. Thank you....God Bless!


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