Are we grooming our children properly....?

As a natural corollary of the marriage, the couple get children. Okay, may be one child; that is the present trend. It could be due to various reasons, like difficulty associated with bringing up the child in today's world, concern about the increasing world population (haha!), to avoid sibling rivalry and it could be anything else.... Even governments advertise, 'we two, ours one'.

Most of us are not in a position to accommodate our aged parents (to live with us). (Well, there are several reasons for this; I am doing a separate blog on this subject). So our child does not get the life lessons and wisdom from the grandparents. The father and mother are very busy earning (to make ends meet!) and hence no time to look after the ward, in her/his growing up phase. Some fathers may not even know what his son is studying (sic!). I am not joking, really...

Our inability to have an eye on our child, (not spying, of course), coupled with various other things like, pampering him, exposure to bad elements, inadequate love and attention may lead them astray. We try to silence her/him by giving whatever she/he wants. (We have lot of money, you see....). Our children start to believe that they can get anything through "Amazon" and "Flipkart". Even if you can very well afford, deny something which is not of any use, when demanded by your daughter. Let her realize that she cannot get everything that she wants. It will only spoil her future. Only when he/she reaches an irrevocably bad stage, we will open our eyes! This is a danger lurking in the corner. We should be aware of it and wary of it.

The same way, we need to teach our children that the so called "success" & "failures" are part of life and it is okay to fail. Only thing is that they should be made to learn from the failures and mistakes. We see children getting highly upset when faced with rejection even in game shows. Unable to face competitive exams, they commit suicide. That should be changed. Courage to face life is something which we need to imbibe in them.

It is our responsibility (first and foremost) than anyone else, to make sure that our child is brought up the way he should. No compromise or lame excuses! Forget your busy schedule, when needed. It is after all, for your daughter's future, you are toiling to earn the fortune. If she cannot be groomed in the best possible way, what is the use of your hard-earned money? Please do not expect the schools to teach our wards, 'morality', as their prime motive is to 'manufacture' 'marks-scoring-robots' out of our children!

Right from his/her childhood, find out his/her inherent talent, nurture that, give training to make that as a 'skill'. Encourage them to pursue that field, whatever trivial it may look. In today's world, anything and everything can succeed, if you have the talent, skill and passion. So, never undermine your child's interest, by ridiculing it; rather encourage it.

Never force your unrealized dreams on him/her. They are individuals with their own taste and ambition. You might have failed to become something (which you envisaged). That does not mean that you should force that dream on your daughter. You do not have any right to do so, just because you are her parents. Never ever do it! Like Dr. Kalam said, allow them to have their own dreams and work towards fulfilling them.

Teach them good morals. Teach your boy how to behave with girls, in the proper way. Make them understand the dignity of labor. Make them realize the importance of health and not to become 'couch potatos'. Teach them that nobody is inferior to them and nobody is superior to them; that all are equal in the eyes of God. Teach your child how to be responsible citizens of the country. Let us all pledge to hand over a better world to our next generation. 


  1. Nicely narrated the present trend of parents on their children. I doubt the present day parents are over encircling on their studies/course. I think they are not giving freedom to the children to choose the subjects of their own; parents try to others impose their interest.
    As parents we need to discuss with our children to select the course based on their interest. We need to imbibe good attributes & values of relationship among peers, seniors, teachers etc in the Society because they are the future leaders, executives etc of our Society.


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