The boat will ride on the truck one day...

The boat will ride on the truck one day.... and the truck will sail on the boat another day! This is an irrevocable fact. Everyone in this world needs the service of others to live. Just for example, consider this: Having a lunch. The wife (or husband) cooks; the various ingredients like, rice, different types of gram, oil, salt, vegetables etc - we buy from various shops; they are all produced in different centers by so many people, handled by various people before they reach the shops. More than 100 people are involved in a single lunch of us. Imagine anything else. Various people from all walks of life are helping us indirectly in every act / need of us. So, never think low of anyone in this world. Everyone performs his/her duty to keep us happy.

We take care of our children, in every step, till they grow up and find their feet. The parents tell them 'to do this and not to do that' etc., in their growing-up phase. When the children are on their own (and running their families), and the parents become old and start depending on their children, the history repeats! The children tell the parents 'to do this and not to do that'. The parents teach the children, when they are young, various lessons in life. And when the parents become aged, the children, at least reluctantly, teach the parents to operate the new gadgets! In some cases the grandchildren teach the grandparents!

The bird eats the ants and when the bird dies, the ants eat the flesh of the bird. Every Tom, Dick and Harry has his day. When the favorable time comes for a weaker person, he conquers the stronger person. Nothing in this world can be taken for granted. Goliath, the giant challenged his enemy and the tiny David took up the challenge. Against Goliath's sword and shield, David used only a sling and a pouch full of stones. David focused on the vulnerable (and uncovered) part of Goliath's body and aimed his stones to hit, and that caused the fall of mighty Goliath. David and Goliath story is often referenced as a moral lesson of how underdogs can overcome the odds and be successful.

In the film "Slumdog millionaire" Jamal Malik, a boy from the slums wins the coveted 'million' prize against all odds in the show "Who wants to be a millionaire?". The fortune favors the brave and his favorable time and circumstances help him.

Every country should support the other country, especially in times of need. All countries do not have all the raw materials needed for all the goods. And the technical expertise! Manpower resources! So, each country should complement each other and grow as a single world, rather than trying to establish superiority over the other.

If the elephant has its day, the cat also will have its day, one day or the other. Never take anything for granted. We must all do the duty ordained by God and leave the rest to HIM. There is no one superior to you and no one inferior to you.


  1. Very true statement.
    In the early days, man has to do everything to fend himself. With community living each one could concentrate on what he can do best and took the others service in exchange.
    The same is also applicable for nations. As long as the 'give & take' is followed there is no conflict.

    1. Thank you Sankaran for your valuable comment. It certainly adds 'value' to the content


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