The one prediction, which should not come true....!

A Bulgarian mystic by the name Baba Vanga, was blind from her early childhood. She had left behind several predictions, out of which many have come true. So, the researchers and futurists give importance to her future predictions. I am not going into all her predictions, but I will take one for this blog. One of her predictions is, "by the year 2046 (just another 24 years more), many of the people will live for more than 100 years". Looking at the increasing longevity of the people, compared to a few decades ago, this might turn out to be true. With the fast-paced developments in the medical science, this might very well turn out to be correct. Very recently, a Yale University experiment shows that 'dead animal cells' can be revived. They will soon try to extend this to human cells. If such things succeed, the possibility of making the humans live longer is bright. It will be better if this research is used to cure incurable diseases, rather than focusing on increasing the longevity of the people.

Considering the 'family scenario' at present, wherein the 'elders' are looked down by the children, I am afraid to think of the year 2046. Even now, most of the elderly parents are left in "old age homes" or left out to fend for themselves by the children. I am not going to put the blame entirely on the children. It is how the society, the world is changing. We cannot simply blame the children only for this developing scenario. The changing attitude of the people, work pressure, competitiveness, societal changes and a whole lot of things are to be blamed.

The average age till an Indian lives now is around 70 years of age. Let us take the average age of retirement as around 60 (in some cases, it may be 58 and in some cases it may be 65). Till the time of retirement, most of the parents have to spend their hard-earned money on children's education, their marriage, buying a house, taking care of 'their parents' etc. Most of them do not plan for their own living after retirement, solely depending on the children to take care of them. That is where they fail (well, in most cases). Nothing can be done about them now. If they live up to 100 years of age, they have to live alone (or with spouse) for more than 30 to 40 years after retirement.....! With no financial or emotional support. I dread to think of such a situation for anybody.

There is yet another scenario to consider. If the person (say, A) lives up to 100 years or more, his son (say, B), at that time would be in his mid-seventies. This means that his son (B) also will be in the 'old age' group. When the son himself will be depending on 'his son' (say, C) (who might be around 50 years of age), does that mean that the 50 year old guy has to look after his father and grandfather?

Now the suggestion (not advice) is for the present parents (in the age bracket of 45). Fortunately, most of them have just one child or 2 children (maximum). So, while spending for their children's future, they should also plan for their post-retirement life - not only financially, but also in many other matters. They should prepare themselves to live on their own. For this, their emotional and physical health are very important. If they do not have the expectation that their children will take care of them in their old age, then there is no disappointment, when that does not happen. They should prepare themselves mentally for this eventuality.

The present generation of youngsters is very clever. They have started thinking, 'when our children are not going to take care of us in our old age, why should we have a child?' This is the present trend. They shun away from having child(ren). From their point of view, this is correct. What will happen to the country in the long run? As an individual, why should he/she bother? We are all turning out to be 'self-centric' now (if I can live comfortably, that is enough). A recent incident in which a dentist in India, threw her 4 year old mentally challenged child to the ground from 4th floor (and eventually killed), is a glaring example of our selfishness.

From one point of view, the prediction that people will live for 100 years by the year 2046 may seem to be good, I have my own doubts. At this point, I remember an ancient way of disposing off the very old people, by keeping them in a pot and bury them to die soon.....

The deeds and contribution of the people to the society should remain 'immortal' and not the people themselves.


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