Super Specialization - a (possible) future scenario....

Man in a dentist's clinic : I have to see the dentist. I need an appointment.

Receptionist : Which tooth is having a problem?

Man : The one in the upper jaw.

Receptionist : Is it at the left side? Or right side?

Man : What's the difference?

Receptionist : We have a specialist (dentist) for the upper right jaw and a different specialist for the left upper jaw. Similarly we have different specialists for left lower jaw and right lower jaw. So, please tell me specifically so that I can check the diary of the respective specialist.

Man : !!!!!

The following is a joke appeared in a 'whatsapp' message:

A dentist, doing his first extraction on a patient, was understandably nervous. When he got the molar out, his hand shook, he lost his grip on the instrument, and the tooth dropped down into the patient's throat. "Sorry," said the doctor. "You're outside my specialty now. You should see a laryngologist! [throat specialist]."

By the time the unfortunate victim got to the laryngologist, the tooth had worked its way much further down. The laryngologist examined the man. "Sorry," said the doctor, "You're outside my specialty now. You should see a gastrologist! [stomach specialist]." 

The gastrologist X-rayed the patient. "Sorry," said the doctor," the tooth has traveled into your lower intestines. You should see an enterologist! [intestinal specialist].''  

The enterologist took some X rays. "Sorry, the tooth isn't there. It must have gone down farther. You should see a Proctologist! [a specialist in diseases of the rectum; anus].

The Proctologist's examined the patient.... inserted a proctoscope inside the . . . . and remarked.....

"Good heavens, man! You've got a tooth up there! You should see a dentist!".... The patient has come a full circle (starting from a dentist and ending with the dentist).

ENT Specialist may get further trifurcated to 'E' (Ear) specialist, 'N' (Nose) specialist, and 'T' (Throat) specialist.

(Similarly, there could be specialist doctors for 'only stomach related ailments', one for the 'left hand', one for the 'right hand', one for the 'left eye', one for the 'right eye' etc....)

A person goes to a builder. The builder asks, 'Is it ground floor or first floor building?' 'Only ground floor' replies the man. 'Then I am not the person. I construct only upper floor buildings'. For ground floor, you may approach builder "B".

On the way, the man meets another builder and checks with him whether he can build his ground floor only house. The builder says, "I build only 3D printed houses; Not the brick and mortar type. Do you want that?'

An interview is conducted to select a mathematics professor for an engineering college. The interviewee was asked questions in 'trigonometry'. He blinks and says, 'I teach only 'calculus'. I don't know 'trigonometry' or 'algebra'. The college also needs two more mathematics professors. 'Okay' says the interviewer and asks a question on 'integral calculus'. The candidate then says, 'Sorry, I teach only 'differential calculus' and not 'integral calculus'. (So may be the case for other subjects like botany, zoology, physics, chemistry etc..).

Our man goes to consult a psychiatrist and requests for an appointment. The receptionist asks, what exactly is the reason for you to consult the psychiatrist? Is it marital disharmony, business-related stress, property-related problems, or health-related problems...., or any other specific problem?" "

Why do you have to know? I will discuss with the psychiatrist only" retorts the visitor.  

"We have different specialist psychiatrist for each of the problem I listed down. Only if I know your specific problem, I can fix the appointment with the concerned specialist".

The above scenario is applicable to practically every aspect of our life. The future belongs to "specialists". I hope it will add 'value' to our lives....



  1. Yes you find the truth, I can't agree more. so-called "specialists'' are so stupid!


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