Things which our grandchildren might encounter...
As we all know, the world is moving at a break-neck speed. Rapid changes are taking place every moment and it is difficult to catch up with them (for slow people like me!). Even if we do not move with the tide, the tide would drag us along; and we have no choice! Thanks to the pandemic, we are now used to buying all consumables (vegetables, meat, provisions, fruits etc.) in bigger lots and store them appropriately for future use. The freezer part in the refrigerator is being used more. Gradually the size of the freezer in the refrigerator will become bigger in future designs. It is all the more likely that exclusive "deep-freezers" would be used very commonly in homes in future. To fall in line with that, vegetables and fruits would be processed to have a shelf life of say, 6 months or so and we can store them in our deep-freezers and use them as "farm-fresh" products, whenever we want. We do not have to wait for the 'mango season' to taste mangoes. Througho...